時代遅れになる 1 1. become [go, get, grow] obsolete 2. fall behind the times 3. get [become] old-fashioned 4. get out of date 5. go out of date 6. go the way of the dinosaurs 7. grow out of date 8. have had it 時代遅れに
But shouldn't we see him before it's too late ? でも手遅れになる前に 会うべきではないですか?
Buy my book , before it's too late , people ! 私の本を買って、 手遅れになる前に、人々!
Buy my book , before it's too late , people ! 私の本を買って、 手遅れになる前に、人々!
It must be stopped now , before it is too late . 手遅れになる前に 止めなければならぬ
We have to find him before it's too late . 我々は手遅れになる前に 彼を見つけないといけない
And who will tell them before it's too late ? 手遅れになる前に、そして、誰にそれらを教えてくれます?
To try to reach the other side before it's too late 手遅れになる前に 反対側に到達しようとしました
But we should meet with him before it is too late . でも手遅れになる前に 会うべきではないですか?
To save this city before it's too late . この街を救う 手遅れになる前に 既に手遅れだ
To save this city before it's too late . この街を救う 手遅れになる前に 既に手遅れだ