Even today there is a speculation that a lifelong fate with shingen may have changed to a kind of friendship between kenshin and shingen , but the fact is that kenshin seemed to hate shingen . 信玄との生涯にわたる因縁からか、それが転じて二人の間には友情めいたものがあったのではないかと現在でも推測されることがあるが、実際のところ謙信は信玄をかなり嫌っていたようである。
His place of birth is often assumed to be kanda castle (located in nakagawa-machi , nasu county , tochigi prefecture (the present-day tochigi prefecture )) as a kyojo (castle where the lord usually lived ) for the nasu clan in those days . 誕生地は当時の那須氏の居城神田城(現在の栃木県那須郡那珂川町 (栃木県))と推測されることが多い。
According to " heike monogatari ," gion no nyogo , who was in cloistered emperor shirakawa ' s favor and was impregnated by him , was granted to tadamori , and kiyomori was born; however , this story has low credibility , since " heike monogatari " was completed after the kamakura era and it was estimated that gion no nyogo at that time was over 40 years old . 『平家物語』では白河法皇の寵愛を受けて懐妊した祇園女御が、忠盛に下賜されて清盛が生まれたとなっているが、『平家物語』の成立は鎌倉時代以降であり、祇園女御は当時40歳を越えていたと推測されることから信憑性は薄い。