軍隊を掌握する 1. gain control of the armed forces 2. gain control over the armed forces
In its heyday , the miyoshi clan was so strong as to control political power . 政権を掌握するほどの最盛期を築くに至るのであった。
On august 2 , 1518 , when yoshioki ouchi returned to suo , takakuni single-handedly seized power . 永正15年(1518年)8月2日、大内義興が周防に帰国すると、高国は単独で政権を掌握する。
After seizing political power , he ambitiously undertook reform measures , but died at the relatively young age of 39 . 政権を掌握すると意欲的に改革に着手するが、39歳の若さで死去した。
Masako and tokimasa were afraid that the hiki clan would replace the hojo clan and seize power , so they tried to exclude the hiki clan . 政子と時政は、比企氏が北条氏に取って代わり政権を掌握することを恐れ、比企氏の排除を謀る。
However , when ieyasu tokugawa came into power after hideyoshi ' s death , because of the reason that ieyasu was once troubled by the ikko sect , he started to intervene in the quarrel between kyonyo and junnyo . しかし秀吉死後に徳川家康が政権を掌握すると、家康はかつて一向宗に苦しめられたことがあるという経緯からこの教如と准如の争いに介入する。
Starting from the kamakura shogunate ' s political achievements , it describes the course of takauji ' s seizure of power from a standpoint arguing for the legitimacy of the establishment of the muromachi shogunate by the ashikaga clan . 鎌倉幕府の治績から尊氏が政権を掌握するまでの過程を、足利氏による室町幕府創立の正当性を主張する視点から描いている。
Then , shinzei was killed and nobuyori took complete control over politics , however , taira no kiyomori , who was allied with emperor nijo directly ruled government forces , defeated nobuyori and others , and as a result , goshirakawa in forces were destroyed . 結果、信西は殺害され信頼が政権を掌握するが、二条親政派と手を結んだ平清盛が武力で信頼らを撃破、後白河院政派は壊滅する。