- reconciliation with the enemy
- との との 殿 feudal lord mansion palace
- 和解 和解 わかい accommodation compromise mediation reconciliation settlement
- 解 solution
- 債権者との和解 composition with its creditors
- 仮の和解 tentative deal
- 法廷の和解 court settlement
- 結婚の和解 marital reconciliation
- ~間の和解 rapprochement between
- 原告との和解協議を始める start talks with the plaintiffs for settlements
- 原告との和解協議を開始する start talks with the plaintiffs for settlements
- 仮の和解合意 preliminary settlement agreement
- 土壇場の和解 last-minute settlement
- 多額の和解金 fat settlement package
- 裁判上の和解 compromise which is made in and authorized by the court
- ~市民間の和解 reconciliation among the citizens of