- time one's leaving so one would arrive on time
- 時間 時間 じかん time
- おり おり 檻 cage pen jail cell 折 chance suitable time 織り 織 weave weaving woven item
- 着く 着く つく to arrive at to reach はく to wear to put on (lower body, e.g. a sword)
- よう よう 夭 early death calamity 酔う to get drunk to become intoxicated 傭 employ hire
- うに うに 雲丹 海胆 sea urchin sea urchin eggs 云為 sayings and doings words and deeds
- 頃合 頃合 ころあい good (suitable) time
- 出掛 出掛 でがけ おでかけ about to start out just about to leave or go out
- 掛け 掛け かけ credit
- ける ける 蹴る to kick
- る る 僂 bend over
- どおり どおり 通り in accordance with  ̄ following  ̄  ̄ Street  ̄ Avenue
- くよう くよう 供養 memorial service for the dead holding a service
- ように ように in order to so that
- 出掛け 出掛け でがけ おでかけ about to start out just about to leave or go out
- 掛ける 掛ける かける to wear to put on to hang to cover to sit down to make a phone call to
- 出掛ける 出掛ける でかける to depart to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing) to set out to
- 時間どおりに 時間どおりに じかんどおりに punctually as regularly as a clock