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  • The head office will create a fuss if they hear about this.
  • 本社     本社 ほんしゃ head office main office headquarters
  • この     この 此の this
  • のこ     のこ saw[化学]
  • こと     こと 古都 ancient city former capital 事 thing matter fact circumstances business
  • にす     にす ニス varnish
  • すれ     すれ friction mark[化学]
  • ひと     ひと 非と condemning denouncing 匪徒 bandit 人 man person human being mankind people
  • もん     もん 問 problem question 門 gate 紋 (family) crest coat of arms
  • ちゃ     ちゃ 茶 tea
  • こし     こし 枯死 withering dying 古史 ancient history 古詩 ancient poems 故紙 used paper 古址 古趾
  • しそ     しそ 緇素 old term for Buddhist priesthood and the common people (since they used
  • そう     そう 層 layer seam bed stream class 偬 feel pain suffer 副う to suit to meet to
  •      だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
  • もんち     もんち 門地 degree lineage
  • ちゃく     ちゃく 著 着 counter for suits of clothing arriving at ..
  • 起こし     derrick up
  • しそう     しそう 詩藻 詞藻 florid expression poetical talent 詩宗 master poet 詞宗 master poet 思想
  • そうだ     そうだ people say that it is said that I hear that to appear that to seem that to
  • もんちゃく     もんちゃく 悶着 trouble quarrel dispute
  • ひともんちゃく     1. cold war 2. up-and-a-downer / up-and-downer
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