At present , shitsuji exists only in royal families and considerably wealthy families . 現代では王侯か、かなりの資産家の家に存在するのみである。
So , most of bunjin were from ruling class and status such as royalty , bureaucracy , landlord and local powerful family . つまり文人は王侯・貴族・官僚・地主・地方豪族などの支配者的な階級・地位の出身者がほとんどであった。
Around the end of the later han , chinese poetry became popular and it is said that royalty and nobility often held a feast , gathering bunjin who were good at making poems and enjoyed it . 後漢末頃から漢詩が隆盛しはじめ、王侯貴族らは詩に巧みな文人を集めて酒宴を開いて楽しんだという。
The jifu (a type of literature between poetry and prose ) novelists represented by kutsugen (a chinese scholar-official ) in chu in the end of the warring states period made fu (epic of jifu ) for entertaining royalty . また戦国時代 (中国)末に現れた楚 (春秋)の屈原に代表される辞賦作家は、王侯の娯楽用として賦を作った。
Cultural heritages such as the residences of royal aristocrats and the summer palace were looted , victimized by arson , destroyed , and a market even opened for the loot in order to exchange it for money . 連合軍の暴挙によって王侯貴族の邸宅や頤和園などの文化遺産が掠奪・放火・破壊の対象となり、奪った宝物を換金するための泥棒市がたつほどであった。