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  • The president advanced her over the heads of several senior people.
  • 社長     社長 しゃちょう company president manager director
  • 何人     何人 なんぴと anyone なんにん who? how many (people)
  • 先任     先任 せんにん seniority predecessor
  • たち     たち 達 plural suffix 立ち stand 裁ち cutting cut 館 mansion small castle boat cabin 質
  • 越し     越し ごし across over beyond
  • 彼女     彼女 かのじょ she girl friend sweetheart
  • 昇進     昇進 しょうしん promotion
  •      た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
  • 先任者     先任者 せんにんしゃ senior official senior members
  • 彼女を     【代名】 her
  • 頭越しに     1. go over one's head about 2. over one's head
  • 士官を昇進させる    promote an officer
  • 社長兼最高執行責任者に昇進させる    promote someone to president and COO [chief operating officer]〔人を〕
  • 社長に昇進させる    promote someone to the post of president〔人を〕
  • 地元住民の頭越しに    in disregard of the wishes of the residents
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