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  • I'll leave in the morning for China.
  • 私は     in one's role of〔~である〕
  • 午前     午前 ごぜん morning A.M. am
  • 中に     【副】 inside ~中に 【前】 during
  • 中国     中国 ちゅうごく China South-west most region of Honshu middle of a country the
  • 向け     向け むけ (intended) for  ̄ oriented towards  ̄
  • 出発     出発 しゅっぱつ departure
  • しま     しま 島 island 縞 stripe
  • ます     ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • 午前中     午前中 ごぜんちゅう this morning in the morning throughout the morning
  • 向けて     in preparation for〔~に〕
  • 午前中に     1. at midmorning 2. during the forenoon 3. during the morning 4. in (the)
  • 私は今夜カナダに向かって出発します    I will leave for Canada tonight.
  • 自国に向けて出発する    depart for one's country
  • 午前8時ぐらいにビーチに向けて出発すべきだ    We should start for the beach around 8 a.m.
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