窮地に陥って 1 1. be up against a (stone [brick, blank]) wall 2. behind the 8-ball [eight (ball)]〔 【語源】 ビリヤードでは8番の玉を台のポケットに落としてはいけないというルールがあり、8番ボールの後ろに自分がいて、それを打つとまずいことになるところから〕 3. in a cleft stick 4. in a corner
窮地に陥っている 1. be in desperate straits 2. have one's back against [to] the wall 3. have the rope about one's neck
死地に陥って 1. in the jaws of death 2. into the jaws of death
窮地に陥る 1 1. be forced into a corner 2. be in a fine [pretty] fix 3. come to the push 4. find oneself in a jam 5. find oneself in desperate straits 6. find oneself in serious straits 7. get bogged down in the
窮地に陥れる 1 【他動】 pinch 窮地に陥れる 2 put ~ in lurch〔~を〕 窮地に陥れる 3 1. catch out 2. drive [push, thrust] someone to the wall 3. have someone in a mire 4. have someone over a barrel 5. land someone in a pickle 6. pu
We're trapped in the department store . デパートで窮地に陥ってる最中だ
Mr . big manager , is that ... there's a world of hurt out there right now ... 支配人さん 世界は窮地に陥っています
Those are not the words of comfort , not to the nation or the world , certainly not to the people of chester's mill , who appear to be trapped . その言葉は 国や 世界や ましてチェスターズミルで 窮地に陥っている人々に対する
Those are not the words of comfort , not to the nation or the world , certainly not to the people of chester's mill , who appear to be trapped . その言葉は 国や 世界や ましてチェスターズミルで 窮地に陥っている人々に対する
In fact , the azai family ran into difficulty due to repeated attacks from the kyogoku clan and dosan saito in the neighboring province , mino when they subordinated themselves to the rokkaku clan . 六角氏に臣従した頃、浅井家は京極氏や隣国美濃の斎藤道三からたびたび攻撃され、窮地に陥っていた事実がある。
Kaemon takashima , an entrepreneur , sympathized with ginko , who was cornered because of the rejection of gp test application , and introduced sensai nagayo , head of hygiene bureau at the ministry of home affairs , to ginko , through yorikuni inoue . 開業試験願を却下され窮地に陥っている吟子に同情した実業家の高島嘉右衛門は、井上頼圀に依頼して内務省衛生局局長、長与専斎を紹介。