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  • tell someone what one would like to achieve
  • 自分     自分 じぶん myself oneself
  • げた     げた 下駄 geta (Japanese footwear) wooden clogs
  • たい     たい 対 ratio versus against opposition 鯛 (red) snapper schnapper sea bream 他意
  • いこ     いこ 依估 unfairness 遺孤 orphan
  • こと     こと 古都 ancient city former capital 事 thing matter fact circumstances business
  • 伝え     伝え つたえ legend tradition
  • える     える 得る 獲る to get to gain to win
  •      る 僂 bend over
  • げたい     げたい 懈怠 negligence laziness
  • たいこ     たいこ 大呼 loud cry shout 太古 ancient times 太鼓 drum tambourine
  • 伝える     伝える つたえる to convey to report to transmit to communicate to tell to impart to
  • (人)に     throw oneself at someone's feet / throw oneself at the feet of
  • 言いたいことを(人)に伝える    make someone understand
  • 自分の子どもが成し遂げたこと    accomplishments of one's children
  • 自分がしたことを(人)に伝える    tell someone what one did
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