- set up as a florist
- 花屋 花屋 はなや florist
- 開く 開く あく すく to open to become open to become empty to be less crowded to dawn ひらく
- く く 九 nine 区 ward district section 句 phrase clause sentence passage paragraph
- パン屋を開く set up as a baker
- 花屋を経営する operate a flower shop
- 花屋 花屋 はなや florist
- ふたを開く lift the lid
- ドアを開く open a door for〔人のために〕
- 一派を開く develop a manner of one's own
- 両手を開く open up one's hands
- 予審を開く hold a preliminary hearing
- 会合を開く 1. call a meeting 2. have a meeting 3. have a session 4. hold a meeting
- 例会を開く hold a regular meeting
- 個展を開く hold a one-man exhibition
- 公判を開く hold a public hearing