- be much better in math and than English
- 英語 英語 えいご the English language
- より より from out of since than 縒り twist ply
- 数学 数学 すうがく mathematics arithmetic
- 得意 得意 とくい pride triumph prosperity one's strong point one's forte one's specialty
- だ だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
- 数学の 【形】 1. mathematic 2. mathematical 3. mathematics
- ずっと ずっと consecutively throughout a lot
- 得意だ be good at〔~が〕
- bよりもaの可能性の方がずっと高い。 There is far more chance of A than B.
- 過去のどれよりもその方がずっといい。 That's a lot better than anything we had in the past.
- 実物の方がずっと美人だ be much better-looking in person
- 手紙を書くよりも、話をした方がずっと楽だと思う。 I do find it much easier to speak to people than to write.
- 知り過ぎるよりも知らな過ぎる方がずっといい It is far better to know too little than to know too much.
- 恐らく現在は、y社よりもx社の方がずっと活気があるのではないかと思う。 I think there's a much more of a liveliness in X Company than perhaps there is in Y Company at the moment.
- 細かい数式をただ見ているよりも、シミュレーションの方がずっと役に立つ。 The simulation is much more useful than just looking at the little equation.