薬罐を掛ける 薬罐を掛ける やかんをかける to put a kettle on (the stove)
Get that cat alone , gromit . グルミット、薬缶を温めて
the same phenomenon happened with " yakan ," (kettle ) or 薬缶 in chinese characters; it literally means ' medicine can ' and was originally used for decocting medicines; however it was used for boiling water as well and people continued to use the original name " yakan " for it . 薬缶を薬煎じの目的以外で、単に湯を沸かす容器の名称に使い続けても、名称は“薬缶”のままである現象と同じことが起こったのである。
The same phenomenon happened with " yakan ," (kettle ) or 薬缶 in chinese characters; it literally means ' medicine can ' and was originally used for decocting medicines; however it was used for boiling water as well and people continued to use the original name " yakan " for it . 薬缶を薬煎じの目的以外で、単に湯を沸かす容器の名称に使い続けても、名称は“薬缶”のままである現象と同じことが起こったのである。
The same phenomenon happened with " yakan ," (kettle ) or 薬缶 in chinese characters; it literally means ' medicine can ' and was originally used for decocting medicines; however it was used for boiling water as well and people continued to use the original name " yakan " for it . 薬缶を薬煎じの目的以外で、単に湯を沸かす容器の名称に使い続けても、名称は“薬缶”のままである現象と同じことが起こったのである。