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  • Handsome is (as [that]) handsome does.〔後のhandsomeは副詞的用法;《諺》〕
  • 行い     行い おこない deed conduct behavior action asceticism
  • 立派     立派 りっぱ splendid fine handsome elegant imposing prominent legal legitimate
  • 見目     見目 みめ appearance looks
  • より     より from out of since than 縒り twist ply
  • 立派な     立派な adj. ①[堂々とした?見事な] 〔すばらしい, 壮大な〕 *excellent /éks?l?nt/ 〔…に〕すぐれた,
  • 立派な人     1. fine man 2. fine person 3. fine type of person 4. mensch 5. plaster saint
  • 見目より心     見目より心 Handsome is that [as] handsome does.(ことわざ))《◆後の handsome
  • 品性の立派な人    person of noble character
  • 立派な人    1. fine man 2. fine person 3. fine type of person 4. mensch 5. plaster saint 6. splendid individual 7. trump 8. worthy
  • 立派な人々    good men and true
  • 立派な人格    beautiful character
  • 立派な人物    1. be of upstanding character 2. fine character 3. person of admirable character 4. person of worth 5. worthy soul
  • (人)よりも立派な人    better person than
  • 大変立派な人    the greatest [best] thing since sliced bread〔「スライスしたパン以来の素晴らしい発明品」という意味で、皮肉を込めてほめるときに使う。"sliced bread" の代わりに"chewing gum", "the hula hoop", "the hamburger" などが使われることがある〕
  • 立派な人たち    1. fine folk 2. fine set of men
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