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  • 表面化する
    come [rise] to the surface (問題?秘密などが)表面化する
    (見出しへ戻る headword ? 表面)


  • In the mid-edo period , the domain faced serious financial crisis due to its small size .
  • Upon the death of kenshunmonin in august 1176 , tensions between goshirakawa and taira clan which had been kept below the surface broke out into open contention .
  • Conflict within vassals of the ouchi family emerged , but the family head yoshinaga who was adopted from the otomo clan was incapable of controlling this internal conflict .
  • The resentment had not surfaced yet in those days , but after the death of michitaka , it flared into open defiance against korechika , which perfectly paved the way for michinaga to seize political power .
  • The matter of coffee grounds disposal had already become a concern in the 1970s when environmental pollution became an issue as a social problem and effective usage has been searched for until today .
  • However , that sorin became a christian led to the conflict of vassals of the otomo family , which ironically would come to the surface in the form of an uprising of local lords in sorin ' s later years .
  • However , during the processes of imperial succession and implementation of tokusei , discord with the bakufu arose and became the underlying cause of a resurgence of the latent anti-bakufu sentiment within the imperial court .
  • Ejo belonged to the group of the nihon daruma sect , but since he was courteous and sincere he endeavored to achieve harmony and mediate the two groups; consequently , the conflict between the groups didn ' t rise to the surface .
  • After hideyoshi toyotomi died , the opposition between ieyasu tokugawa , who set out to rule the world , mitsunari ishida , a defender of the toyotomi clan and member of the anti-ieyasu group , came to the forefront in the wake of the attack on aizu in 1600 .
  • Although michizane continued to be promoted during the reign of emperor daigo , powerful aristocrats , such as the fujiwara clan , who disliked the idea of centralization of power in the imperial court , resisted the idea of centralized financial administration that michizane insisted on .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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