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  • trigger a thunderous applause from the crowd
  • 観衆     観衆 かんしゅう spectators onlookers members of the audience
  • 嵐の     【形】 stormy
  • よう     よう 夭 early death calamity 酔う to get drunk to become intoxicated 傭 employ hire
  • 拍手     拍手 はくしゅ clapping hands applause
  • 喝采     喝采 かっさい acclamation
  • たら     たら 鱈 codfish cod (Gadus morhua) 多羅 Tara The Deliverer, the Saviouress
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • たらす     たらす 垂らす to dribble to spill to suspend to hang down to slouch to dangle 誑す to
  • 拍手喝采     拍手喝采 はくしゅかっさい clapping and cheering applause
  • もたらす     もたらす 齎らす to bring to take to bring about
  • 嵐のような     【形】 tempestuous
  • をもたらす     をもたらす lead to[化学]
  • 嵐のような拍手     1. shower of applause 2. thunderous applause
  • 嵐のような拍手喝采     storm of applause
  • 群衆の嵐のような拍手喝采をもたらす    trigger a thunderous applause from the crowd
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