- hate to say it but
- ちゃ ちゃ 茶 tea
- 悪い 悪い わるい bad inferior かたい にくい difficult hard にくい hateful abominable poor-looking
- いが いが 衣蛾 tineid moth
- が が 蛾 moth
- こんなこと言っちゃってもいいのかな。 I don't know if I should say it.
- それを言っちゃーおしまいよ It's fatalistic to say that.
- そんなことを言っちゃ駄目だよ。 You shouldn't say things like that.
- そんなこと言っちゃ駄目だ You shouldn't say such a thing.
- またまたお世辞言っちゃって Oh, you're paying me a compliment.
- また心にもないことを言っちゃって。 There you go, saying things you don't mean.
- もういるって言っちゃった! I already told him you are here.
- ほらね。ルーシーちゃん、「ばか」って言っちゃダメって言ったでしょ! See? Lucy, I told you not to say "stupid"!
- あっちゃく あっちゃく 圧着 crimp
- いっちゃく いっちゃく 一着 first arrival first in race suit of clothes
- うっちゃり 1. backward pivot throw 2. pivot throw
- Um , hate to say it , but getting pregnant in high school isn't exactly unheard of .
"言っちゃ悪いが 高校生で妊娠なんて" "そう不思議じゃない" - Um , hate to say it , but getting pregnant in high school isn't exactly unheard of .
"言っちゃ悪いが 高校生で妊娠なんて" "そう不思議じゃない" - Pardon me for saying so , that's pretty fucking stupid , isn't it ? george washington bridge ?
しかし 言っちゃ悪いがバカだ ジョージ・ワシントン橋とは - Pardon me for saying so , that's pretty fucking stupid , isn't it ? george washington bridge ?
しかし 言っちゃ悪いがバカだ ジョージ・ワシントン橋とは