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"試みる"の例文"試みる" 意味"試みる" 中国語の意味


  • 試みる
    to try
    to test


  • A book that had been translated into english from the nation
  • You wouldn't try it unless you were desperate .
    あなたが絶望的な状況以外に 試みる必要はない
  • You wouldn't try it unless you were desperate .
    あなたが絶望的な状況以外に 試みる必要はない
  • You're gonna reach out to saviano and turski .
    サビアノとトゥルスキが 連絡を取ろうと試みる
  • Otherwise , we're just trying to conserve our energy .
    その他 エネルギーの 保存を試みる
  • When we make this peak , you're gonna get comms up .
    到着後 本部との通信を試みる
  • Where i've been inspired by trying to figure out
    親しいつながりを実際に生み出そうと 試みる中で
  • Where i've been inspired by trying to figure out
    親しいつながりを実際に生み出そうと 試みる中で
  • Have decided , as an experiment , to try
    「史上類を見ない 実験的密命を 試みる決断に至った」
  • Have decided , as an experiment , to try
    「史上類を見ない 実験的密命を 試みる決断に至った」
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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