- the shyest person
- より より from out of since than 縒り twist ply
- 思案 思案 しあん thought consideration meditation ponder
- 人 人 じん man person people と person にん ひと man person human being mankind people
- 引っ込み 引っ込み ひっこみ retreat retirement depression (hole)
- 引っ込み思案 引っ込み思案 ひっこみじあん shy withdrawn
- 引っ込み思案の 【形】 1. indrawn 2. inhibited 3. private 4. withdrawn
- 一番引っ込み思案の人 the shyest person
- 引っ込み思案の 【形】 1. indrawn 2. inhibited 3. private 4. withdrawn
- 引っ込み思案 引っ込み思案 ひっこみじあん shy withdrawn
- 引っ込み思案な人 1. a shrinking violet 2. house plant 3. reserved person
- 引っ込み思案な[の] 引っ込み思案な[の] retiring 《正式》内気な, 引っ込み思案な; withdrawn 《正式》内向的な, 引っ込み思案の, 内気な
- 引っ込み思案である 1. go into one's shell 2. stay in one's shell 3. withdraw into one's shell
- 引っ込み思案にする turn someone into stay-at-homes〔人を〕
- 極度に引っ込み思案な intensely private
- 恥ずかしがり屋で引っ込み思案な 恥ずかしがり屋で引っ込み思案な adj. shy and retired. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 引っ込み)