- The police escorted him from the building to his car.
- 警察 警察 けいさつ police
- 建物 建物 たてもの building
- から から 殻 shell husk hull chaff from out of through since because 空 emptiness
- まで まで 迄 until till doing as far as
- 護衛 護衛 ごえい guard convoy escort
- した した 舌 tongue 下 under below beneath
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- 警察は妻を殴ったとして彼を逮捕した The police arrested him for beating up his wife.
- 建物から出る exit from a building
- 警察は彼の家を捜索したあと、彼を逮捕した The police placed him under arrest after searching his home.
- 警察は10年間彼を追いつづけ、ついに逮捕した The police pursued him for ten years and finally arrested him.
- 建物から立ち退く evacuate a building
- 建物から避難する evacuate a building
- 彼は頭がいいつもりでいたが、警察はあっさりと彼を逮捕した。 He thought he was slick but the cops easily busted him.
- 警察は、加害者は夜中に建物に侵入したと確信している Police believes the perpetrator came into the building during the night.