From the current point of view , those incidents are significant because they were the first military actions attempting to overthrow the bakufu , but all of them failed miserably . これらの事件は倒幕を目的とした最初の軍事的行動として、後世から見た歴史的な意味は大きいものの、この時点では無残な結末となった。
Though there is no evidence that doyo took part in the military operation , he did block nakatoki hojo ' s retreat at bamba , omi province on may 9 , 1333 , thereby preventing his escape to kanto , and forced nakatoki to commit suicide at renge-ji temple along with 432 of his retainers . 軍事的行動に参加した形跡は無いが、1333年5月9日、近江国番場で東国へ退却中の北条仲時の軍勢を阻み、蓮華寺で一族432人と共に自刃させた。