1. attach importance to 2. center on 3. give importance (to) 4. give priority to 5. lay stress on 6. place a particular emphasis on 7. place an emphasis on 8. place importance on 9. place major emphasis on 10. place priority on 11. put [place] emphasis [stress] on 12. put weight on〔~に〕
重点 重点 じゅうてん important point lay stress on colon emphasis
On not teaching and learning , but testing . 重点を置くように なったことにあります
If we're talking about the future . 情報アクセスに より重点を置くようになって
Which is a website that focuses on services for extreme athletes エクストリーム・アスリート向けのサービスに重点を置くウェブサイトが
They like speed and are guaranteed to go down the hardest possible way so make sure you got your funderwear on . 道路に重点を置く 我々はチームで行動し
Keirin focuses on copying the shape of characters and irin , reading hitsui (calligrapher ' s intention ). 形臨は字形を真似することに重点を置き、意臨は筆意(ひつい、筆者の意図)を汲みとることに重点を置く。
It also led to the shugendo , which emphasized the mountain ascetic practices , and an idea of syncretism of shinto and buddhism was created . さらに山岳修行に重点を置く修験道へとつながり、神仏習合思想が発生する。
Immediately after this , yoritomo defeated the taira clan army in the battle of fujigawa and focused on the stabilization and management of the kanto region at the wish of the kanto samurai group which supported him . その直後の富士川の戦いで平氏軍に勝利した頼朝は、自分を支持する関東武士団の意向を受け、関東内部の平定・経営に重点を置くこととした。
Kidzania ' s main customers are children (sixth graders or younger ) as its declaration suggests , ' the country of children , and by children ,' and its operation in japan aims at ' providing children with social experiences .' キッザニアは「こどもによる こどもたちの国」という宣言のとおり、児童を主な対象としており、特に日本においては「児童に社会体験の機会を与える」ことに重点を置く運営をめざしている。