- "I've never eaten Japanese food. Which is better, sushi or sashimi?" "That's a good question."
いままで食べたことのない新しい食べ物を試す: try a new food one has never had before
いい質問ね。こっちが表よ。: Good question. This side is face.
「ママー!これ食べたくないよ!ママー!」「いいかげんにしなさい!あなたが食べたいか食べたくないかなんてどうでもいいの。食べないといけないのよ!」: "Mommy! I don't want to eat this! Mommy!" "Enough, already! I don't care if you want to eat it or not. You have to eat it."〔子→母〕
何かあっさりしたもの食べたいな。刺身なんかいいかも。: I don't want to eat anything greasy. Maybe sashimi would be good.
トーストとご飯、どっちが食べたいですか?: Which would you rather have, toast or rice?
もう買うのやめた方がいいかしら… もう十分食べたでしょ、ジェーン。しまいなさい!: Maybe I should stop buying them. OK, that's enough, Jane. Put them away!
ああ、それはとっても酸っぱいの。食べたくないなら、残していいのよ: Oh, it's very sour. If you don't like eating it, you can leave it.
金持ちなのと幸せなの、どっちがいい?: Would you rather be rich or happy?
いい質問: excellent question
じゃあなんで半分なくなってるの??他に誰が食べたっていうの?ルーシー、ママにうそついちゃダメでしょ。食べたなら食べたでいいのよ。: Then how come they are half gone? Who else ate them? Lucy, don't lie to me. If you ate the cookies, that's fine.
お米が切れちゃったのよね… ルーシー、今夜は麺類かパン、どっちがいい?: We are out of rice. Lucy, which do you want tonight, noodles or bread?
これ食べたくないなら、それはそれでいいのよ。: If you don't want to eat this, that's fine.〔親→子〕
パパ!私、あっちがいい!: Dad! I want that one.
あら、じゃあ夕飯にピザは食べたくないわねえ… 今夜はピザにしようかと思ってたけど。夕飯何がいい?: Oh, then you don't want to eat pizza for dinner. I was going to make pizza tonight. What do you want to have for dinner?
どっちの足でシュートしてもいいのよ。: You can use either foot to shoot.〔親→子(サッカーの練習)〕