- "Mommy! I don't want to eat this! Mommy!" "Enough, already! I don't care if you want to eat it or not. You have to eat it."〔子→母〕
これ食べたくないなら、それはそれでいいのよ。: If you don't want to eat this, that's fine.〔親→子〕
ルーシー、いい?動物は生きているのよ。あなたと同じで、寝たり食べたりするし、おしっこやうんちもするの。ちゃんと世話してあげないといけないのよ。でもママは、あなたはまだ小さいからちゃんと世話できないと思うのよ。: You know, Lucy. Animals are alive. They eat, sleep, pee and poop just like you. They are not like dolls. You have to take good care of them. I don't think you are old enough to do that.
何も食べたくないの。: I don't want anything to eat.
何も食べたくない: not feel like eating at all
ママ、これ食べたい!: Mommy, I want to eat this!
ああ、それはとっても酸っぱいの。食べたくないなら、残していいのよ: Oh, it's very sour. If you don't like eating it, you can leave it.
えぇ、でも、あなたが食べないからジムも食べなくなったのよ。お姉ちゃんのまねをするんだから。: I know, but look. Jim stopped eating broccoli because you don't eat it. He wants to do whatever his sister does.
じゃあなんで半分なくなってるの??他に誰が食べたっていうの?ルーシー、ママにうそついちゃダメでしょ。食べたなら食べたでいいのよ。: Then how come they are half gone? Who else ate them? Lucy, don't lie to me. If you ate the cookies, that's fine.
食べたくない!野菜炒め嫌い!: I don't want to eat it! I hate veggie stir-fry!
「ママ、イチゴ食べたいよ」「今はイチゴの季節じゃないの」: "Mom, I want to eat strawberries." "They are not in season now."〔子→母〕
だからカフェテリア方式のお昼って嫌いよ!子どもは食べたくないものは食べないから。この子には私がお昼作ってやらないと。: That is why I hate cafeteria-style lunch. Kids don't eat what they don't want to eat. I should make lunch for her every day.
私がどんなにお寿司が好きか知ってるでしょ!もしお寿司食べるなら、たくさん食べたいの!「ちょっと」なんてイヤ!だからお寿司を食べないことにしたのよ。これからは、私の前では「寿司」って言葉も使わないでね!: You know how much I love sushi! If I go have sushi, I wanna have a lot! I don't wanna have "just a little bit"! So I decided to stay away from Sushi. From now on, don't even say a word "Sushi" in fr
何か食べるごとに歯を磨けなんて言わないから。でも少なくともご飯食べた後、お水でお口ゆすぎなさい。: I don't tell you to brush your teeth every time you eat something but at least, rinse your mouth with water after every meal.〔親→子〕
そうね。でもたくさん練習しないといけないのよ。それでもいいの?: Right. But you'll have to practice a lot. Do you want to do that?
時々、日本食が食べたくなる: At times I want to eat Japanese food.