- Oh, it's very sour. If you don't like eating it, you can leave it.
これ食べたくないなら、それはそれでいいのよ。: If you don't want to eat this, that's fine.〔親→子〕
このリンゴはとても酸っぱいので、アップルパイにするとよい: Those apples are very tart and are good for baking.
とても酸っぱい: as sour as a vinegar
私を愛してないならそう言っていいのよ。: If you're not in love with me, you can say that.
酸っぱくなっていない: 【形】 unsoured
何も食べたくないの。: I don't want anything to eat.
「ママー!これ食べたくないよ!ママー!」「いいかげんにしなさい!あなたが食べたいか食べたくないかなんてどうでもいいの。食べないといけないのよ!」: "Mommy! I don't want to eat this! Mommy!" "Enough, already! I don't care if you want to eat it or not. You have to eat it."〔子→母〕
じゃあなんで半分なくなってるの??他に誰が食べたっていうの?ルーシー、ママにうそついちゃダメでしょ。食べたなら食べたでいいのよ。: Then how come they are half gone? Who else ate them? Lucy, don't lie to me. If you ate the cookies, that's fine.
最初に話したくないのなら、いいよ、それで。: If you don't want to talk at first, it's cool.
もし遅れたくないのなら、動きだした方がいいな。: If we don't want to be late, we'd better get going.
もうおなかいっぱいなら無理して全部食べなくてもいいですよ。: Don't force yourself to eat it all if you're already full.
私たちが飼っている子牛はとてもかわいいので、大きくなってほしくない: The calves we keep are very cute, so we don't want them to grow.
「あの人のこと、そんなに好きじゃないのよね。でも公園で話ができるのは、あの人しかいないの」「もし一緒にいたくないなら、いなければいいさ。そういう友達付き合いって、長続きしないぞ」: "I don't like her that much but she's the only person I can talk to at the park." "You don't have to spend time with her if you don't want to. That kind of friendship doesn't last long."〔夫婦の会話(妻→夫)〕
もし今それを話たくないのならそれでもいいです。本当に。: If you don't want to talk about this now, it's Okay, really.
それならこれは使えないのよ。おもちゃじゃないの。: Then you shouldn't use this. This is not a toy.