- I don't tell you to brush your teeth every time you eat something but at least, rinse your mouth with water after every meal.〔親→子〕
歯を磨いたら、お口を水でゆすぎなさいね。: After brushing your teeth, make sure to rinse your mouth with water.〔親→子〕
「ママー!これ食べたくないよ!ママー!」「いいかげんにしなさい!あなたが食べたいか食べたくないかなんてどうでもいいの。食べないといけないのよ!」: "Mommy! I don't want to eat this! Mommy!" "Enough, already! I don't care if you want to eat it or not. You have to eat it."〔子→母〕
ご飯食べた?: Did you eat?
何か食べる: grab some grub
私がどんなにお寿司が好きか知ってるでしょ!もしお寿司食べるなら、たくさん食べたいの!「ちょっと」なんてイヤ!だからお寿司を食べないことにしたのよ。これからは、私の前では「寿司」って言葉も使わないでね!: You know how much I love sushi! If I go have sushi, I wanna have a lot! I don't wanna have "just a little bit"! So I decided to stay away from Sushi. From now on, don't even say a word "Sushi" in fr
何か食べたの?トミー、もう歯磨きしたでしょ…。お口をゆすいでらっしゃい。: Did you eat something? Tommy, you already brushed your teeth. Go rinse your mouth out.〔親→子〕
「ママ、おなか空いた」「朝ご飯食べないからよ」: "Mommy, I'm hungry." "That's because you skipped breakfast."〔子→母〕
そう、それなら夕飯まで待ちなさい。あなた、おなか空いてないからお昼いらないって言ったでしょ。昼御飯食べたいなら、ここにあるわよ。: Fine, then wait until dinner. You said you were not hungry and you didn't want lunch. If you want lunch, here it is.
ええ、でも少なくともsmapは解散しないわ。: Yeah, but at least SMAP won't break up.
何か食べる物: something to eat
私は何か食べる物を、何でもでもいいから探していた。: I was looking for something, anything, to eat.
うん。何か食べたい。: Yeah. I want to eat something.
「うわっ!あんたのお昼ご飯!力士にでもなろうとしてんの?」「そんなこと言わないでよ!これは私の朝ご飯と昼ご飯なの!今朝ギリギリまで寝てたから、朝ご飯食べられなかったのよ」: "Wow! Look at your lunch! Are you trying to become a Sumo wrestler or something?" "Don't say that! This is my breakfast, and lunch! I slept until the last minute this morning, so I couldn't get brea
でも少なくとも、あの子をぶたないようにしないと。: But at least I should try not to hit him.
理想的な仕事ではないが、少なくとも食べるのには困らないだろう。: The job isn't ideal, but at least you won't starve.