- "I don't want to go to the dentist." "The dentist makes sure your teeth are growing in properly. He will be you shortly."
歯医者さんは、歯が痛いときに治してくれる人のことだよ: A dentist is the person who fixes your teeth when they hurt you.
歯医者さんの歯ブラシ: professional toothbrush
私は日本で歯医者さんに行ったことあるけど、ものすごく怖かった。: I've been to the dentist in Japan, and I was so scared.
お医者さん: お医者さん おいしゃさん doctor (polite)
御医者さん: 御医者さん おいしゃさん doctor (polite)
もう何年も同じ歯医者さんに通ってるから、このやり方が一番うまくいくのよね。: I've had the same dentist for many years and it just works out well.
歯磨きしなかったら虫歯になるわよ。そしたら歯医者さんに連れてくからね!: If you don't brush your teeth, you'll get cavities. Then I'll have to take you to the dentist.〔親→子〕
でも、僕がきれいな女のお医者さんに診てもらえるなら、すごく早くよくなるだろうな!: Well, maybe if I could see a beautiful female doctor, I'd get well really fast!
お医者さんになりたい!: I want to be a doctor!
お医者さんに電話するわ!: I'm going to call the doctor!
錠剤があるか、お医者さんに聞こう。: I'll ask the doctor if there are tablets.〔親が子どもの病気について話す〕
私の女友達なんだけど、彼女は日本で歯医者さんに行ったのね、それで実際、彼女がドアを開けて入っていった途端に彼が震え始めたの。: My girlfriend, she went to, um, a dentist here in Japan and, actually, the minute that she walked into the door, he started to shake. The dentist was even more nervous than she was.
お医者さんにもいろいろいる: There are doctors and doctors.
歯医者さんがそう言ったじゃない、忘れちゃったの?虫歯があるんだから。ベビーシッターのせいじゃないでしょ。: That's what the dentist said, remember? You have cavities. That's not her fault.
歯医者は歯痛を取り除いてくれた: The dentist got rid of my toothache.