- I appreciate it, Jane. I really don't think we can keep our carpet clean for a long time. I already spilled coffee this morning!
あ… ジェーン。靴脱いでもらってもいいかなあ?先週末にカーペットを新しくしたの。それでなるべくきれいに使いたいなあなんて思ってて…: Uh... Jane. Do you mind if I ask you to take your shoes off? We replaced the carpet last weekend, and we are trying to keep it as clean as possible...
おもらししちゃうなんて思わなかった。もうきれいな下着、ないわよ!: I never expected him to wet his pants. Now he's out of clean underwear.〔親→子〕
今日クビになってさあ、貯金もないんだよ… こんなことまさか自分に起きるなんて思ってなかったからさ、お金も全部使っちゃったんだよ。: I got fired today, and I don't have any saving... I never expected things like this, so I spent all money.
そんなにしていただけるなんてありがとうございます: That's very generous of you.《礼を述べる》
彼がそんなふうに感じてるなんて思ってもみなかった。: I would have never guessed he had felt that way.
「子どもってこんなにお金がかかるなんて思わなかった…」「私だって思わなかったわよ…100ドルとか200ドル単位でどんどんなくなっちゃうのよね」: "I didn't think kids would cost this much." "Me, neither. It's a hundred dollars here, two hundred dollars there…"〔夫婦の会話(夫→妻)〕
君の家に滞在させてもらえるなんてありがとう。: Thank you so much for allowing us to stay in your home.
始めは頑張らなきゃって思ったの… でも降伏したの。あの人と戦いつづけるよりも、降伏しちゃって他で働いた方がずっと楽だと思ったから。あの人のためだけに、自分がボロボロにならなくちゃいけない理由なんてないから。: First I thought I had to keep my chin up... But I just gave in. I realized it would be much easier to give in and work for someone else than keeping fighting with her. There is no reason to wear mys
うちの猫、うんちの場所を覚えないの。今朝なんて台所で大きなうんちしちゃったの!: My cat doesn't learn where to poop. She did a big stinky in the kitchen this morning!
みんなの前でキースに恥かかせたくないのよ。キースはもうたくさんの人を招待しちゃったし、みんなに私が料理するって言っちゃったのよ!: I don't wanna embarrass him in front of everyone. He already invited a lot of people, and he already told them that I'm cooking!
そんなもんよね。車みたい。新車買うとさ、しばらくはきれいに使おうって思うじゃない?でもそれって、長続きしないのよねえ。: That's the way it is. Just like cars. When we buy a brand new car, we try to keep it clean for a while. But that won't last long.
「コーヒーか何かおごるよ」「ありがとう」: "Let me buy you a coffee or something." "Thank you."
おはよう。「コーヒーはどう?」「ええ、ぜひ。ありがとう」: "Good morning. Care for a cup of coffee?" "Oh, I'd love one. Thanks."
ジェーンが僕のcdを壊しちゃったんだよ!: Jane broke my CDs!
僕が「まあ、そんなにカッカするなよ、トム」と言ったら、あいつほんとに怒りだしちゃってね。トムは下品な言葉が嫌いなんだよ: When I said "Don't get your balls in an uproar, Tom," he really flipped out. Tom doesn't like vulgar language.