- Today, we live in a kill-or-be-killed world. Only the strong will survive.
あの国の政界は強い者だけが生き残る食うか食われるかの世界だ: Politics in that country is an eat-or-be-eaten world where only the strong survive.
生き残れるか完全に死ぬか: survival or ultimate death
この世は、忍耐強い者に見方する。: The world is for him who has patience.
選民だけが生き残るという思想: savage principle of the survival of the fittest
この世は、愚か者だらけ。: The world is full of fools.
弱体化していても生き残れる銀行を支援する: support weak but viable banks
ライバルのメーカーの猛攻撃に対してabc社は果たして生き残れるかをあらためて問う: raise anew questions of ABC's ability to survive against an onslaught from rival makers
射殺される: 1. be shot dead 2. be shot to death 3. get shot
忙殺される: 忙殺される ぼうさつされる to be worked to death to be very busily occupied
惨殺される: be barbarously murdered
撲殺される: 1. be beaten to death 2. be bludgeoned to death
殺される 1: 1. be blown away 2. come to a bad end 3. die the death 4. get murdered 5. get one's ticket punched〈俗〉 6. get the chop〈英俗〉 7. get whacked 8. have [get, take] one's gruel 9. have had one's chips 10. l
薬殺される: be given a lethal injection
銃殺される: face a firing squad
生き残れない会社: nonviable company