- You were. You were watching TV and fell asleep around 8, and slept until now. You must have been really tired.
いいよ。昨日の夜、何時に寝ちゃったの?テレビ見てたよね…: Good. When did I fall asleep last night? I thought I was watching TV.
テレビで何を見てたの?: What were you watching on the television [TV]?
言おうと思ってたけど忘れてた。怒ってる?でも遅いよ。もう買っちゃったから。: I was going to tell you, but I forgot. Are you angry? Well, it's too late. I already bought it.
ただね、アメリカから友人が来て、大皿一杯分を作ったことがあったの--私もちゃんと座って食べたかったから、天ぷらを大皿一杯作って、それを次々とオーブンに入れてたのよ、そうしたら柔らかくなちゃった……: However, we had a friend come from the States, and I made a big plate -- I wanted to sit down and eat, too, so I made a big plate of the tempura and just kept putting it in the oven, so it was softe
私が前に会った人と違うのよ。去年キャシーにあった時は、違う人とデートしてたのよ。あの人、どうしちゃったんだろう…: He is different from the one I saw last time. When I saw her last year, she was dating with a different guy. I wonder what happened to him...
うん、大丈夫よ。昨日は一日中庭仕事してたのよ。土を運んでいたとき、腰傷めちゃったの。: Yes, I'm OK. I was doing yard work all day yesterday. When I was carrying some soil, I hurt my back.
どうしてたのよ、リン?: What's going on, Lynn?
本当!うちの子も、あそこの入学試験受けたのよ!落ちちゃったけど…: Oh, yeah! My daughter took the entrance exam for that school. She failed, though.
「今まで隠してたけど、おまえにしっとしてるんだ」「分かってたわ」: "I haven't said anything, but I'm jealous of you." "I know."
日本は戦争をしていたからよ。おじいちゃん、いつもおなか空いてたの。飢え死にするところだったのよ。: Because Japan was at war. He was always hungry. He almost starved to death.
たった今あんたの噂してたのよ。最近あんたやせたからさあ、どうやってやせたかって話してたの。: We were just talking about you. You've lost some weight recently, so we were wondering how you did that.
あーあ。帰ろうとしてたのに、課長につかまっちゃったよ。: I was about to leave when the manager caught me.
きっと彼女も同じこと考えてるさ。一緒に映画行った時なんてさ、おまえ途中で寝ちゃってたもんな!: I guess she may be thinking the same thing. When we went to the movie, you fell asleep in the middle of the movie!
「うわっ!あんたのお昼ご飯!力士にでもなろうとしてんの?」「そんなこと言わないでよ!これは私の朝ご飯と昼ご飯なの!今朝ギリギリまで寝てたから、朝ご飯食べられなかったのよ」: "Wow! Look at your lunch! Are you trying to become a Sumo wrestler or something?" "Don't say that! This is my breakfast, and lunch! I slept until the last minute this morning, so I couldn't get brea
「月20ドルしか請求されないんだと思ってたけど」「私もそう思ったのよ。でもそれは期間限定のサービスだったって言うの」「そんなでたらめ言ってるのか!オレが電話してやる!」: "I thought they were gonna charge us only 20 bucks per month." "I thought so. But they said that was for a limited time." "That's bullshit! I'll call them!"