- I hate to drive that far just to spend 5 minutes at the reception. We gotta go to the reunion soon.
どうしてこんな遅くまで働かなくちゃいけないの?みんなもそうなの?: Why do you have to work until this late? Is everyone working like you?
この後どこかへ行かなくちゃいけないの?: Do you have to be somewhere?
知識じゃなくて、本当に学ばなくちゃいけないのは、知恵なんだよね。: It's not knowledge, but wisdom which we should really learn.
カールはまだ寝てます。今日は仕事に行かなくちゃいけないんです。: He's still sleeping. I need to go to work today.
うーん、問題なのはね… 毎週土曜日に練習に行かなくちゃいけないの。朝8時から。: Well, the problem is... She has to practice every Saturday. From 8am.
ダメ!そんな時間ないよ。今日は8時までに学校に行かないといけなかったんだ!行ってきます!: No! I don't have time. I was supposed to be at school by 8 today! See you!
次にそんなことになったら、警察呼ぶんだよ。それに、あんたたち二人はカウンセリングを受けるべき。デイブだけの問題かもしれないけどさ、もしかしたら、あんたたち二人で考えなくちゃいけない問題もあるかもしれないし。: Next time he does something to you, just call the police. Also, you guys should go to a counseling. This may be just your husband's problem, but there may be something both of you should think about
あれ?確定申告っていつまでにしなくちゃいけないんだっけ?: Huh? When do we have to file our final income tax return?
もう行かなくちゃ、急がなくちゃ、すぐに行かなくちゃ: I gotta jet.〈米話〉
オレのせいじゃないんだよ!オレは早く帰るつもりだったけど、ちょっと緊急事態が発生して会社に遅くまで残らなくちゃいけなかったんだよ。: It was not my fault! I was supposed to come home early, but an emergency came up and I had to stay until late.
そりゃそうだけど… でも兄さんは毎日仕事に行かなくちゃいけないんだよ。おまえは違うだろう?あと2~3カ月経ったら兄さんも自分の車買うだろうからさ、心配すんなよ。: True... But he has to go to work everyday, and you don't. I'm sure he'll get his own car within a couple of months, so don't worry.
シッ!そんな大きな声で言わないの!ニックは陽性で、明日からもっと検査受けなくちゃいけないんだから。: Shh!! Don't say that so loud! Nick was positive and he has to go through more tests from tomorrow.
うわっ!忘れてた!その日は会社に行かなくちゃいけないから… ママの職場に来る?: Shoot! I forgot about that! I have to work that day, so... do you want to come to work with me next Monday?
勉強しなくちゃいけない、そうなの。: They have to study, yes.
勉強しなくちゃいけないものね。: Because they have to study.