- Next time he does something to you, just call the police. Also, you guys should go to a counseling. This may be just your husband's problem, but there may be something both of you should think about.
あんたが警察かもしれないけど全部しゃべっちゃおうかな: I guess it's okay for me to spill my guts to you even though you could be a cop.
いい?そんな汚いままでいたら、病気になっちゃうよ。もし病気になったら、お医者さんに連れて行かないといけないの。そしたらお医者さん、注射するかもしれないよ!: Listen. If you stay dirty like that, you will get sick. If you get sick, I will have to take you to a doctor. He may give you a shot!
もしかしたら(that以下)かもしれない。: It may be that
信じらんないかもしれないけどさ、そんな事件世界中で何百もあるんだよ。私さ、誰も信じらんないって思うことがあるよ。: Believe or not, there are hundreds of incidents like that all over the world. Sometimes I feel like I can't trust anyone.
こんなこと言って失礼かもしれないけど… エイズ検査受けたことある?: This may sound rude to you... But have you ever had an HIV test?
後々たたるかもしれない: could come back to haunt〔誰かのしたことが将来的に悪い結果をもたらす可能性がある場合に用いる〕〔~に〕
「あいつ、お母さんのお金盗んだんだって!信じられる?」「うーん。真っ先に頭に浮かぶのは「あいつ、常識ねえなあ」ってことだけど、どうかなあ。もしかしたら大変な問題に巻き込まれていたのかもしれないしなあ」: "Can you believe it? He stole his mother's money!" "Well, immediate assumption will be he is lack of common sense, but we never know. He might have been in a serious problem."
ひょっとして[もしかしたら]これはやるべきではないかもしれないと思い[考え]始めた。: I started thinking maybe I shouldn't do this.
先生に相談してくるわ。もしかしたらあの子、学校で何か困ったことがあるのかもしれないし。: I think I'll go see her teacher. She may be having a problem at school.
かっこ悪く聞こえるかもしれないけど: This [It, I] might [may] sound wack [naff], but〈話〉
かっこ悪く見えるかもしれないけど: This [It, I] might [may] look wack [naff], but〈話〉
ダサく聞こえるかもしれないけど: This [It, I] might [may] sound wack [naff], but〈話〉
ダサく見えるかもしれないけど: This [It, I] might [may] look wack [naff], but〈話〉
自分勝手に聞こえるかもしれないけど: This [It, I] might [may] sound selfish, but
自分勝手に見えるかもしれないけど: This [It, I] might [may] look selfish, but