- "Can you believe it? He stole his mother's money!" "Well, immediate assumption will be he is lack of common sense, but we never know. He might have been in a serious problem."
先生に相談する必要があるかもしれないけど、先生が何とかしてくれるとも思えないしなあ。誰がやっているかが分かればいいなあ。そうしたらその子の親と話ができるからな。: We may need to talk to his teacher, but I don't think she will do anything about it. I hope we can find out who's doing it, then we can talk to his parents.
携帯の電源切れてるの。私には電話してこないから、もしかしたら何かトラブルに巻き込まれているかもしれない。: His cell phone is off. He hasn't called me yet, so he might be in a trouble or something.
明日会社来られないかなあ?非常事態なんだよ。お母さんがすごく具合悪いからって、サムはお母さんのところだし、ウィルはまだ休暇から戻ってないんだ。ジョーが明日来るはずだったんだけど、ヨーロッパのお客のところにまだいるんだよ!: Will you come to work tomorrow? This is an emergency. Sam is out of town because his Mom is dying, and Will is not back from the vacation yet. Joe was supposed to come to work tomorrow, but he's sti
うーん… 考えてたんだよ… キムが僕に最後に話しかけてきたのって、いつだったかなあ?: Well, I was thinking... When was the last time Kim talked to me?
信じられないなあ… でも肌が敏感なのかもしれないね。: That is hard to believe but maybe she has sensitive skin.
次にそんなことになったら、警察呼ぶんだよ。それに、あんたたち二人はカウンセリングを受けるべき。デイブだけの問題かもしれないけどさ、もしかしたら、あんたたち二人で考えなくちゃいけない問題もあるかもしれないし。: Next time he does something to you, just call the police. Also, you guys should go to a counseling. This may be just your husband's problem, but there may be something both of you should think about
どうかなあ。1週間に1日ならできるかもしれないけど。なんで?: I don't know. I might be able to work at home one day a week. Why?
「あいつが言うこと聞かない時は、ぶってやるのさ。そしたら言うこと聞くから」「それっていい考えかなあ?」: "When Lucy doesn't listen to me, I hit her. Then she listens to me." "Do you think that's a good idea?"
「ねえ、来月家族で温泉に行こうかと思っているんだけど。どう思う?」「いいなあ」: "Listen, I was thinking about our families heading to an onsen next month. How does that sound?" "It sounds great."
常識では信じられないかもしれないが: as improbable as it may sound
うーん、もしかしたら疲れてるだけかも。ほら、昨日たくさん人が来ただろう。: Well, maybe she's just tired. You know, we had a lot of visitors yesterday.
厄介な問題に巻き込まれている: have gotten involved in a bothersome problem
お母さん!仕事場に電話してくるなって何度言ったら分かるんだよ?仕事場では忙しくて、お母さんの電話に付き合ってられないんだよ。もし僕と話したいなら、家に電話してよ!: Mom! How many times did I tell you not to call me at work? I'm too busy to take your call at work. Call me at home if you wanna talk to me!
そうだなあ、そいつは遊んでるつもりだったと思うけど、ただヤツは自分のことを、一人前のヒョウかライオンみたいに思っていたんだとも思うな。(本当の)大きさなんて、もうほんの…そうだなあ、リスくらいだったんだけどね。: Well, I think it thought it was playing, but I also think it thought it was a full-blown leopard-lion thing, and it was only about the size of a... you know, a squirrel.
彼がそれを盗んだのかもしれない: He might have stolen it.