Let's wait and see for a while, since the time is unripe.
しばらく様子を見よう: only time will tell 現在出張中でしばらくの間留守にしているので: in the temporary absence of someone who is now on a business trip〔人は〕 しばらく様子を見てみよう。: Let's see what happens. しばらく様子を見る: see how things go for a while 機が熟して: ripe for〔~の〕 機が熟している: time is ripe われわれは彼女をしばらくの間見ていない: We haven't seen her for some time. しばらくの間: 1. bit 2. for a certain time 3. for a little 4. for a long moment 5. for a season 6. for a short period 7. for some little time 8. in a (little) while 9. interim 10. interim period 11. spell 12. stoしばらくの間経過を見て: after observing developments for some time しばらくの間いなくなる: become invisible for brief periods of time 様子を見ようではないか。: How about seeing which way the cat jumps. しばらくの間黙っている: keep quiet for awhile しばらくの間おとなしくしている: keep quiet for awhile しばらくの間失業している: experience a spell of unemployment しばらくの間自習していてください。: Work by yourself for a few minutes.