- If you can't be responsible, don't take food out of the kitchen.
台所から食べ物を持っていっては駄目。: Don't take food out of the kitchen.
「ルーシー、食べ物をママに投げるのはやめなさい…」「もしかしたら、あの子はおまえに食べ物をあげたいのかもしれないぞ。ルーシー、おまえは本当に優しい子だね」: "Lucy, don't throw food at me." "Maybe she wants to give it to you. Lucy, you are such a kind girl."〔赤ちゃんのいる夫婦の会話(妻→夫)〕
食べ物を触るの、やめなさい!: Stop touching the food!〔親→子〕
トミー、泣くのはやめなさい!: Tommy, stop crying!
彼に面と向かって言えないなら、彼の愚痴を言うのはやめなさい: If you can't say it to his face, don't complain about him.
「彼女を助ければよかった… もし自分より先に彼女を助けていれば、彼女は助かっただろうに」「自分を責めるのはやめなさい。あなただって被害者なんだから。あの事故は相手が悪かったの、あなたじゃないのよ」: "I should have helped her... If I'd helped her before myself, she would have survived." "Don't blame yourself. You were the victim, too. The accident was caused by another driver, not you."〔自動車事故〕
さあ、もうそんなに泣くのはやめなさい: Come on, stop that crying now.
焼きもちを焼くのはやめなさい!: Cut out the jealousy.
ほら、緑茶持っていきなさい。向こうで日本の食べ物が恋しくなるかもしれないよ。: Here, take some green tea with you. You might miss Japanese food over there.〔親→子(外国へ行く)〕
熱いのが嫌いなら台所から出て行け。/耐えられないならやめるべきだ: If you can't stand [take] the heat, get out of the kitchen.《諺》
「ルーシー!食べ物を床に落とすのはやめなさい!落ちたものを拾うのは、もうママうんざりよ!」「気を付けろ!今度はスプーンを落とすぞ!」: "Lucy, don't throw food on the floor. I'm tired of picking it up for you." "Watch out! She's going to drop her spoon now."〔赤ちゃんのいる夫婦の会話(妻→夫)〕
彼のことを考えるのはやめなさい。/彼のことは忘れなさい[頭から追い出しなさい]。: Get your mind off him.
ジェーン、ピアノひくのはやめなさい。9時過ぎたわよ。: Jane, stop playing the piano. It's after 9.
お外に出て遊びたいのは分かるけど、雨降ってるのよ。それに雨はルーシーのせいじゃないでしょ。だからこの子に八つ当たりするのはやめなさい!: I know you want to go out and play, but it's raining. That's not her fault, is it? Stop taking it out on her.
意固地になるのはやめなさい。もし自分が悪いって分かってたら、とにかく謝りなさい。: Stop being stubborn. If you know you were wrong, just apologize.