Given his handicaps, his success was a very considerable feat.
不利な条件: 1. handicap 2. penalty 3. unfavorable condition 4. unfavorable terms 不利な条件を取り除く: defy the odds 不利な条件で: 1. in adverse condition 2. to disadvantage 有利な条件を与える: 1. give odds (of) 2. lay odds (of)〔~の〕 明らかに不利な条件を課す: put someone at a decided disadvantage〔人に対して〕 現在の不利な条件をもっと減らして: under fewer handicaps than now exist 不利な条件で売る: sell ~ to one's disadvantage〔~を〕 不利な条件の下で: under a handicap 有利な条件を出す: give someone a sweet deal〔人に〕 卓越した偉業: signal achievement 成功は家族の支えがあったからである: attribute one's success to the support from one's family とって不利な条件の元で: with the deck stacked against〔人に〕 不利な条件に目をつぶる: ignore unfavorable conditions 不利な条件に置かれた: 【形】 disadvantaged〔poor の婉曲語〕 島国に固有の不利な条件: disadvantages inherent to island nations