The sickness of the body may prove the health of the soul.
健全なる身体に宿る健全なる精神: mens sana in corpore sano〈ラテン語〉 健全な精神の: compos mentis 健全な身体に健全な精神: A sound mind in a sound body.《諺》 精神状態が健全な: mentally sound 体の健全な人: person of sound body 不健全な精神: sick mind 健全な精神状態である: be of sound mind 精神面の健康状態: mental-health status 健全な精神のために必要だ: be necessary for someone's spiritual well-being〔人の〕 健全な状態: healthy situation 精神の健康: 1. psychological health 2. spiritual health 心身の健全な: sound in body and mind 教えの健全な: sound in doctrine 僕にとって趣味をする理由って、さっきも言ったように、完ぺきに健全な肉体のため――肉体と精神を調子良く保つため。: my reasoning for doing hobbies is, like I said, is that I think it's good for complete body wellness, for -- to keep your mind and body in shape. 不健全な状態: unhealthy condition