- What?! You slept with her? You are hopeless.
何だって?おまえ、何言ってんだよ?あの人はオレのもんだ!おまえは若いばか女どもと寝てろ!: What the hell? What are you talking about? She's mine! You go sleep with young and stupid chicks!
あの子、本当にいい子だったねえ…: She was such a sweet girl...
ふーん… あの子、電話が好きなのか… おまえ譲りだな。: Hmm. She likes to talk on the phone. She must have gotten that from you.
アメリカでそんなcdを作るんだって、おまえ言ってたよな。だけど、そんなCDを買いたい人が本当にいるのかな?: I remembered you saying you were going to produce that kind of CD in America. But, I wonder if there are any people who would be interested in such CD?
しょうがねぇやつだなあ。/全くもう。/よくやった。: You son of a gun!
何だって?!どこで?おまえのうちか?親はどうしたんだよ?: What?! Where? At your place? What about your parents?
サム…その写真が本当にその子だってどうして分かるんだよ??実際会ったことあるのか?他の子の写真送ったかもしれないだろ!: Sam... How do you know if those are really hers?? Have you actually seen her? She might have sent you someone else's!
べにしょうが: べにしょうが 紅生姜 red pickled ginger
「ルーシー、食べ物をママに投げるのはやめなさい…」「もしかしたら、あの子はおまえに食べ物をあげたいのかもしれないぞ。ルーシー、おまえは本当に優しい子だね」: "Lucy, don't throw food at me." "Maybe she wants to give it to you. Lucy, you are such a kind girl."〔赤ちゃんのいる夫婦の会話(妻→夫)〕
何だって?!いいか、番組は11時に始まったんだよ。11時には、もう寝てたんだ。どうして11時におまえは家にいなかったんだ?おまえの門限は10時だろうが?: What?! Listen. The show started at 11, and I was already in bed by then. Why weren't you at home at 11? Your curfew is 10, right?
今日本当に頭にきたのはおまえがおれより大きい魚を釣ったっていうことだ: What really ticked me off today was that you caught a bigger fish than I did.
ねえ、ウィル?あなたもうすぐ会社辞めるんだって?本当に?: Hey, Will. I heard that you are leaving the company soon. Is that true?
ジェーン、それでおまえは本当に高校卒業しないで働きたいのか?: So, Jane, do you really want to start working without graduating from high school?
「それでおまえ、その新興企業に就職することにしたのか?」「いや。この景気だと危なすぎだろ」: "So, did you decide to work for the start-up company?" "No, it's too iffy in this economy."
おまえ、バカじゃねえの!寂しいからって他の子と出かけんなよ!何か他のことすればよかったじゃないか。オレと遊べばよかったんだよ!: You dumb ass! You don't go out with a different girl just because you are lonely! You could have done something else. You could have hanged out with me!