1. possession of health 2. wellness 3. wholesomeness
in many cases , people are actually perfectly healthy . 彼らは 極めて健康であることが多いのです
our nature is to be peaceful , our nature is to be healthy . 私たちの本質は平和で健康であることです
and doesn't have to stay home . 子供が健康であることを願います
as the administrators of the imperial household ministry (currently , imperial household agency ) were nominating potential princesses for the sickly imperial prince yoshihito (later , the emperor taisho ), the healthy appearance of the empress teimei became the most distinctly important advantage for choosing her . 彼女が健康であることは、病弱な嘉仁親王(大正天皇)の妃となる大きな決め手にもなったようである。