健康問題: 健康問題 けんこうもんだい health problem health issue
一般的な健康問題: general well being
健康問題が中心の: 【形】 health-centered
健康問題に苦しむ: plagued with health problems
健康問題の解決策: solutions to health problems
健康問題を抱える: develop health problems
標準的な健康問題: standard health issue
重大な健康問題: 1. major health problem 2. serious health problem
健康問題を回避する: avoid the health problems of〔~の〕
深刻な健康問題に苦しむ: suffer a serious health problem
彼女の大胆な行動は、静かに問題と戦う隣人たちと彼女を対抗されることになった: Her bold attitude has pitted her against some neighbors who quietly fight the problem.
月々の家計費の帳尻を合わせるためにキャッシュフローの問題と戦う: contend with cash-flow problems in balancing one's monthly household budget
初戦を~と戦う: play ~ in one's opening match
困難と戦う: 1. row against the current [stream] 2. row against the flood 3. row against the tide 4. row against the wind 5. strive with difficulties 6. struggle against difficulties
圧制と戦う: fight oppression