2000年問題の解決策: Y2K solutions 人口問題の解決策: solution to issues relating to population 難民問題の解決策: solution to the problem of refugees 交通問題の解決策を取る: took measures to solve the traffic problem 問題の解決策を打ち出す: hammer out a solution to the problems 問題の解決策を探る: seek a solution to settle the matter 問題の解決策を探求する: seek a solution to settle the matter 問題の解決策を模索する: seek out solutions to one's problems 問題の解決策を求める: seek a solution to settle the matter 問題の解決策を考える: seek a solution to settle the matter 問題の解決策を追求する: seek a solution to settle the matter 地球規模の問題の解決策: solutions to global issues 日常的な問題の解決策: solutions to daily problems 日本の経済問題の解決策: solution to Japan's economic problems 身の回りの問題の解決策: solutions to daily problems