健康状態の悪化: 1. deteriorating health 2. loss of condition 栄養や健康状態の改善: improvements in nutrition and health 生存者の健康状態の悪化: deteriorating health of survivors 非常に健康状態の良い: fairly healthy 健康状態: 健康状態 けんこうじょうたい (the condition of) one's health 国民の健康状態の最良の指針となるもの: best index of the nation's health 体全体の健康状態: overall fitness 健康状態が許せば: if one's health permits 健康状態は良い: fine shape 健康状態を尋ねる: 1. ask after someone's health 2. ask for〔人の〕 健康状態を調べる: examine the health condition 健康状態を隠す: conceal one's condition 優れた健康状態: outstanding health 妊婦の健康状態: maternal health 完全な健康状態で: as fit as a fiddle〔 【語源】 バイオリンの弦のようにピンピンに張っている様子から〕