Any Inventions developed jointly shall be owned jointly, provided that if one party is unwilling to pay for costs of obtaining a patent of an Invention, such Invention shall be and become the sole property of the party willing to +もっと the costs of obtaining a patent and which applies for and pursues the application for patent to grant.《契約書》
特許を申請しない当事者は、特許を申請する当事者が特許の承認を得られるように、合理的に必要とされる援助を行うものとする: The party not applying for the patent shall give such assistance as the party applying for the patent shall reasonably require in pursuance of the application to grant.《契約書》 発明家は自分の発明の特許を申請した: The inventor applied for a patent for his invention. 注目に値する発明を見つけた当事者は、相手方当事者に迅速に通知するものとする: Each of the parties hereto will promptly notify to the other any invention which come to their attention.《契約書》 自分の発明の特許を申請するよう勧められる: be encouraged to seek a patent for one's invention 発明で特許を取得する: get a patent for one's invention 上記の理由を当事者の一方が相手方に通知すれば、通知した当事者は、義務を履行するための妥当な猶予を許されるものとする: Following notification by either party to the other of such cause, such party shall be allowed a reasonable extension of time for the performance of its obligations.《契約書》 本契約に関して両当事者間に生じた紛争が協議により解決できない場合、両当事者が承諾できる独立の第三者の決定を最終的なものとし、両当事者を拘束するものとする: Any dispute arising between the parties hereto in relation to this Agreement may not be settled by mutual accord, the decision of an independent bystander agreeable to both parties hereto shall be f発明の特許を取る: obtain a patent for an invention 大学の特許取得の急増: dramatic increase in patents awarded to universities 各当事者の費用に応じて案分負担する: share pro rata in accordance with each party's expenses 特許取得の条件: condition for a patent to be granted〔condition(条件)は通例、複数形の conditions を用いる〕 特許発明の特許性: patentability of the patented invention 特許取得製品: patented product 特許を受けることができる発明: patentable invention 上記ライセンスの詳細な条件については、両当事者が別途協議し、決定するものとする。: Detailed term and conditions for the license stated above will be separately discussed and determined between the parties hereto.《契》