- state a direct refusal to〔~するのは〕
対して自分の意見をもっと率直に言う: express oneself more openly to〔~に〕
率直に言う 1: 1. mince no words 2. open up and speak the truth 3. say straight out 4. speak in a level way 5. tell it like it is [was] / tell it how it is [was] 率直に言う 2 【他動】 outspeak 率直に言う 3 speak openly (of)
と率直に認める: openly admit that〔that以下〕
はっきりと率直に: in a clear and straightforward manner
率直に言うと(that以下)である。: I'm telling you straight out that
自分の意見を率直に言う: come out in the open
率直に~と言う: frankly say
その男はギャングの一員だと率直に認めている。: The man freely admits to being in a gang.
嫌だと言う: say no [nay] to〔~を〕
率直に言えば: 1. as man to man 2. frankly speaking 3. in plain words [terms, language, speech, English] 4. in words of one syllable 5. not to mince words 6. not to put too fine a point on it 7. not to put too fin
正直に言う: be honest with〔人に〕
素直に言う: 1. be not afraid to say 2. say obediently
ごく率直に言うなら、これは不可能だよ。: Being perfectly honest, this is impossible.
ごく率直に言って: to be quite honest with you
率直に言います。: I'm going to be blunt and say this.