野球を見に行く: go to see a baseball game 昨日学校をサボった: You played hooky yesterday. あんたって本当に裏切り者だね!授業をサボって私と映画見に行くって言ってたのに!: You are such a sell out! You said you would skip the class and go to the movie with me! ビリーは学校をサボったので、学校劇の役を失う危機に陥っている: Because he skipped school, Billy was in peril of losing his part in the school play. 学校をサボる 1: 1. blow off school 2. cut school 3. ditch school 4. play hookey 学校をサボる 2 【自動】 1. blitz 2. ditch〈米俗〉 3. mitch 4. wag 学校をサボること: cutting of school 学校をサボる口実: pretext for playing truant 野球の試合を見に行く: take in a baseball game 仕事をサボっている: 1. be on an in-plant [in-office] vacation 2. fart-arse around〈卑〉 仕事をサボって首になる: goof on the job and get fired 私は彼が仕事をサボっているところを見つけた。: 1. I caught him goofing off. 2. I caught him not doing his job. 海を見に行く: go see the ocean 湖を見に行く: go to take a view of the lake 鏡を見に行く: go to a mirror 野球を見に連れていく: take someone out to the ball game〔人を〕