- I don't know where he is, and for all I care, he could be dead!
彼が何について大げさに悲しんでいるのかも知らないし、それに興味もありません: I don't know what he is beating his breast [chest] about, and I don't really care!
かもしれませんが: may〔but, although などの接続詞と共起する〕~;《譲歩》 {助動}
残酷に見えるかもしれませんが、それはしかたのないことです: It might look cruel but it can't be helped.
間違っているかもしれませんが: I could be wrong.《謙虚》
そうかもしれませんね: I suspect so.
田中氏は通訳として最善を尽くしてくれましたが、彼はプロの通訳ではありませんので、私の発言を誤って通訳した部分があったかもしれません: While I am sure Mr. Tanaka did his best as my interpreter, he is not professional in that field, and may have mistranslated some of the things I said.
お聞きかもしれませんが: as you may have heard
ご存じかもしれませんが: as you may know
そうかもしれませんが: That may be the case, but
雨が降るかもしれませんが、たいていそんなに長くは降りません: There may be rain, but it doesn't usually last long.
うぬぼれに聞こえるかもしれませんが…: It may sound like I'm boasting, but ...
ばかげて聞こえるかもしれませんが: This [It, I] might [may] sound stupid [silly, dumb, foolish], but
ばかげて見えるかもしれませんが: This [It, I] might [may] look stupid [silly, dumb, foolish], but
不思議に見えるかもしれませんが: strange as it may appear
変に聞こえるかもしれませんが: strange as it may sound