キャリアに終止符を打つ: put an end to one's business career 地位に終止符を打つ: end its status as〔~という〕 孤立に終止符を打つ: end the standoff 対立に終止符を打つ: settle the confrontation with〔~との〕 慣行に終止符を打つ: put an end to the practice of〔~の〕 懸念に終止符を打つ: end concern over〔~についての〕 教師生活に終止符を打つ: put an end to one's teaching career 核実験に終止符を打つ: put an end to nuclear testing 経歴に終止符を打つ: put an end to one's business career 結婚に終止符を打つ: terminate a marriage 論議に終止符を打つ: settle a controversy 議論に終止符を打つ: settle a controversy 関係に終止符を打つ: put an end to the relationship with〔~との〕 騒動に終止符を打つ: put an end to the fuss ~間の対立に終止符を打つ: end hostilities between