ナイフで指を切る: 1. cut one's finger on a knife 2. cut one's finger with a knife 包丁で指を切る: cut one's finger with a kitchen knife 缶の縁で指を切る: cut one's finger on the edge of a can ナイフで親指を切る: cut one's thumb with a knife 作業中の事故で指を切る: cut a finger in an accident during work 10秒を切る: break 10 seconds しらを切る: しらを切る しらをきる to feign ignorance to pretend to be ignorant of to play innocent to brazen it out せきを切る: open a floodgate ギアを切る: disengage the gears 仁義を切る: make the formal greeting 伝票を切る: 1. issue a slip 2. issue a voucher 先頭を切る: lead the field 切符を切る: 切符を切る きっぷをきる to rip off a coupon to punch a ticket 包丁で~を切る: chop ~ with a knife 十字を切る: 1. bless oneself 2. cross oneself 3. make a sign of the cross