- cut one's finger on the edge of a can
ナイフで指を切る: 1. cut one's finger on a knife 2. cut one's finger with a knife
包丁で指を切る: cut one's finger with a kitchen knife
作業中の事故で指を切る: cut a finger in an accident during work
指を切る: 【動】 cut one's finger
家族との縁を切る: cut one's ties with one's family
家族の縁を切る: cut off family tie
親子の縁を切る: disown one's child
川の縁で: at the margin of a river
ナイフで親指を切る: cut one's thumb with a knife
針で指を刺す: prick one's finger with a needle
事故で指を失う: lose one's finger in an accident
出入口で指を挟む: squeeze one's fingers in a doorway
缶の縁にひっかける部分: lance form〔缶に穴をあける道具の一部〕
これも何かの縁である: Fate meant for this to happen.
ハンマーで指をたたく: hit one's finger with a hammer